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Contramestre Juruna

Kevin Barona, also known within the Capoeira community as Juruna, is a talented capoeirista with 23 years experience in the art and a tattoo artist, currently studying Philosophy. His journey in the art of Capoeira, combined with his philosophical studies, has allowed him to carve a unique path in both disciplines, enabling him to develop a distinct perspective that he shares with his students and peers.


Juruna began training Capoeira back in 2002, joining the Capoeira Abolição group, where he took his first steps in his journey  in this Brazilian martial art/ dance form. In 2007, he made his first international trips, visiting countries such as  Colombia and Peru, which broadened his perspective and enriched his training. The following year, in 2008, he traveled to Brazil for the first time, where he received his graduado cord with the same group, solidifying his dedication and love for Capoeira.


In 2009, Juruna left his former group and in 2010 joined the Sinhá Capoeira school, where he continued his development under the guidance of Mestre Chuvisquinho. In 2011, he made his first trip to Boston, Massachusetts where he received the Instructor cord. This trip marked a turning point in his career and allowed him to deepen his training and understanding in the art of Capoeira. 


In 2017, Juruna spent a year in Boston, training intensively with Mestre Chuvisquinho, culminating in November of that year with the attainment of his Professor rank. This recognition of his skills and commitment to Capoeira enabled him to take on greater responsibilities in teaching and spreading the art specially in México City where his Capoeira work is stablished .


In 2023, Juruna achieved the grade of Contramestre, further consolidating his position within the international Capoeira community and reaffirming his role as a prominent figure in the discipline.


Currently, in addition to continuing his philosophical studies, Juruna continues to share his love for Capoeira both in Mexico and abroad, remaining committed to the process of teaching and learning within the Capoeira community.

Sinhá Capoeira Academy

Avenida Plaza Central 17 mz 027 – Plazas de Aragón, Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl


Martes y jueves  8pm a 10pm

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