Yuleissy Ramires, also known as “Aidê” in the Capoeira community is a dedicated Labor and Delivery nurse at one of the nation’s top hospitals, Massachusetts General Hospital, and is currently pursuing her Masters in Midwifery education. Her passion for Capoeira began back in 2011 while attending a squash camp in Boston and trying out a class with Mestre Chuvisquinho. She fell in love with Capoeira and pursued it throughout her college years at Harvard University.
Ever since she has been tirelessly training and working alongside her Mestre promoting capoeira both nationally and internationally but specially focusing in the Boston community and surroundings.
Today, Aidê is one of the highest ranking female instructors in our school, holding the esteemed position of head instructor. She trains individuals of all ages, from kids to adults, helping to introduce Capoeira to public and private schools. Aidê’s unwavering passion and contagious enthusiasm have motivated and inspired students of all levels.
Over the course of her 12-year-long training, Aidê has participated in the planning and development of several Capoeira events. She has successfully organized and participated in major presentations and comparative events, building a rich legacy of learning and accomplishments in her career. A milestone in her Capoeira journey was earning the Green and Purple cord (Corda Verde e Roxa) in the summer of 2019, signifying her instructor-level title.
Aidê continuously strives to hone her abilities and skills and dedicates herself to training Capoeira daily. Additionally, she works as a volunteer instructor teaching Capoeira here at Sinhá Capoeira Academy and the prestigious Wellesley College.