Born on June 26 th 1979, Lindemberg Souza is known as Contra Mestre Chuvisquinho in the Capoeira world. Chuvisquinho is a 3d generation Capoeirista in his family.
Contra-Mestre Chuvisquinho began practicing Capoeira movements around the same time he was learning to walk, and until this day he continues to perfect and refine the work he began as a child. In September 1986 at the age of seven, Chuvisquinho received his first Capoeira rank ‘cordel’.
Another major event in Chuvisquinho’s life happened when he immigrated to the United States in 1997. Adjusting to life in a foreign country was challenging, but Chuvisquinho would not let that interfere with his passion for Capoeira.
Since 1997 Chuvisquinho has been teaching Capoeira in various parts of Massachusetts, mainly in the Boston area. These places include:
- The Crunch Gym
- Tufts University
- The Everett Elks Club
- Mass Motion Dance Company
- Phunk Phenomenon
- The Center of Creative Movements
- East Boston Social Center
- World Gym
- Umana Barnes Middle School
- West end House
- Roshankish Tae Kwondo
- Brazilian Martial Center
- Tenants of Harvard Mission Park
- Inner Space
- Chinese Kickboxing Club
- Jeannette Neill’s Dance Studio
- BE ONE Multicultural Center
- Christine’s Fitness Vibe
Chuvisquinho has also been responsible for designing and teaching workshops for different local programs:
- Teens on Stage
- Fund of Boston Neighborhoods, Inc. (Artist residency program sponsored by the city of Boston that outreaches violence targeted teens)
- Teen Peer Leaders Programs
- La Sociedad Latina / Roxbury, MA
- The Seedlings Summer Program
- Hot Spot Residency
- Neighborhood of Affordable Housing in East Boston (Artist leadership development residency program sponsored by the Boston ‘s Mayor’s Office of Arts)
- EC Boston Summer Programs
- Washington Irving Enrichment Program
- John Lee Elementary School Capoeira Prgoram
Furthermore, focusing on promoting the art and culture of Capoeira, Chuvisquinho has also performed in many shows. Just to name a few:
- Red Bull-The Blue Party
- The Amistad Foundation / Dance Connecticut ( Under Mestre Jelon Vieira who is the Founder and Artistic Director of Capoeira Foundation and Dance Brasil. A world renowned master, choreographer and teacher who brought Capoeira to the United States )
- Sixth Annual Latino Culture Show
- Gobee Industries Inc. Entertainment @ Jillian’s and Club Car in Worcester
- 14 th Annual Hospitality Night @ Emmanuel College
- International Multicultural Show @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Several multicultural shows @ Harvard University
- Brazilian Independence Day Festival ( Boston & Danbury , CT )
- Fleet Center
- Various Night Clubs (Roxy Night Clubs, Matrix Night Club, Rio Night Club)
- Walk for Hunger
- The 2006 Youth for Human Rights Concert
- 2011 African Festival, Brockton, MA
- 4th Mystic River Festival in Everett
- 2012 Brazilian Festival in Boston
After many years of training and eighteen years after receiving his first cord, on October of 2004 Chuvisquinho receives the Contra-Mestre rank in Capoeira, handed to him by his Mestre in the FIRST MANDINGUEIROS OPEN 2004 .
On April of 2006, Chuvisquinho began his own journey with his students in the Capoeira world. Today Chuvisquinho is responsible for SINHA CAPOEIRA. Sinha Capoeira’s ideology is not just being another Capoeira group, but a family. Today Sinha Capoeira is just a seed on the ground, but it will grow into a tree in which its fruits will be collected in the future.
Since 2000 Mestre chuvisquinho has traveled the major North American cities such as Manhattan / New York, Newark / New Jersey, Houston / Texas, Miami / Florida, Tampa / Florida, Sarasota / Florida, San Diego / California, Hartford / Connecticut, New Haven / Connecticut and many others, participating in shows, teaching workshops, performances, training, events, batizados, multicural shows, teaching workshops invited by many capoeira’groups.
March 25th, 2007, Chuvisquinho launch the Group Sinha Capoeira in Boston/ Massachussets, United States and start the circuit “ENCONTRO DE BAMBAS”
May 2007, Chuvisquinho is chosen by the REVISTA CAPOEIRA magazine (the largest magazine of capoeira in Brazil) as the first capoeirista highlighted that develops a work with capoeira in the United States
November 25th, 2007, launching of the Group Sinha Capoeira in Belo Horizonte / Minas Gerais, Brazil under C.Mestre Chuvisquinho ‘s supervision
September 5th 2009, launching the group Sinha capoeira in the city of sevilla / spain under C.Mestre Chuvisquinho ‘s supervision
November 28th, 2009 launching of the group Sinha capoeira in the city of DF / Mexico under C.Mestre Chuvisquinho ‘s supervision
March 13th, 2010, launching the first album of the group Sinha Capoeira
September 2010, Chuvisquinho particpates in a Martial Art congress sponsored by Black Belt magazine (the most impressive martial arts magazine in the world) representing capoeira
April of 2010 Sinha’ capoeira participates in the recordings of the movie “beyound control” of the director Patrick Jerome, founder of the Boston International Film Festival
October 31st 2010 C.Mestre Chuvisquinho celebrates with his students 10 years of working with capoeira in the United States during the festivities of the III ENCONTRO DE BAMBAS
April 16 2011 Sinha’ Capoeira celebrates its 4 year Aniversary
December 7 2012 V ENCONTRO DE BAMBAS