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Brazilian Capoeira is more than just a martial arts! Most people have heard of Karate, Kung-fu, and Tae Kwon Do, but Brazilian Capoeira is a bit of a new concept. This 400-year-old martial art has a lot more to offer than your run-of-the-mill karate class.  Take a couple of minutes to browse our site and …

Sinha Capoeira Boston

Capoeira Boston welcomes you!  We are a Boston based international capoeira school lead by Mestre Chuvisquinho. Other than Boston, Sinha Capoeira also has branches in Brazil and Mexico.  Sinha Capoeira Boston teaching Capoeira in Boston Massachusetts.  Feel free to stop by at any of our capoeira classes locations in Boston, Cambridge and Brookline.  It is the best …


  TRY CAPOEIRA TRAIN CAPOEIRA LIVE CAPOEIRA.  To progress in Capoeira you must try to continually develop your movements, connecting them like words in a sentence and you must play in the roda, applying what you have learned in your training. Come to class, and try your movements in the roda. Don’t be afraid of …

To all my students

To all my students, A Chinese proverb says that there are three things that will never come back: the arrow, the spoken word and the lost opportunity. But I believe this can also be added to this wise proverb “THE MOMENTS LIVED”. Over the course of my 10 years of staying in a country of …

Sinhá Capoeira Anthem

Sinhá Capoeira Anthem: Sinha’ capoeira…Capoeira Sinha’ Sinha’ Capoeira…Capoeira Sinha’ o verde,e’ esperança o amarelo, ouro o azul, a libertade o negro, a raça de um povo e o vermelho representa a bandeira mineira essas são as cores *clap x 7* do Sinhá Capoeira quero ver você jogar no jogo do vai e vem vadia na …

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